About Us

Three competing disciples. One complete outcome.

We take an integrated approach to solving your problems by combining three skillsets that don’t always work well together.

  • product management (defining the problem and designing the solution to it)
  • software engineering (creating data); and
  • data engineering (amalgamating data)

What makes us unique

We deliver outcomes, not hours or people.

Traditional Consultancies

Often function as a “body shop” with senior execs closing your sale and providing ad-hoc advice while more junior resources do the actual work. That’s not us.

Daedalus Model

As a boutique consultancy, we limit concurrent clients. This means you work directly with C-level experience who are actively involved in the work.

Getting Started

Our Approach

A no obligation  meeting (virtual or f2f)
We'll understand your goals, your vision, and current stage of development. Within one working day, Daedalus will provide a ballpark fee and timeline for the total solution needed, letting you make a quick decision on whether to continue with us or explore other partners.

A low cost commercial and tech arch workshop (virtual or f2f)
This workshop outlines key strategic and tactical steps to deliver your tech product and service. Outputs include a high-level commercial, technical, and engineering roadmap, strategy, and guidelines. If required, we can also include design work and a full audit of current codebases. These insights empower you to proceed either with Daedalus or another group - delivering results in days, not months.

Full proposal & Partnership
If you choose to partner with Daedalus, we will present a full proposal with timelines, fees, rationale, and a plan for effective collaboration, so you know exactly what you’re buying, how we’ll work alongside you, and what we will deliver.


Free Consultation

No Obligation

Speak to your senior team