Venture Studio
Startup & Corporate

What is Venture Creation?

Creating a new business from scratch or developing
a new product within an existing business.

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We’re passionate about building cost-effective, high-value solutions

Think of us as your embedded tech data, product and ops team, with VC and PE experience

We focus on long-term, sustainable commercial viability - and we never ask for equity

Startup Venture Studio

We turn ideas into revenue

Pre-Seed & Ideation Stage

Defining the core of your idea and market approach. Providing an initial tech spec and business plan steps.

Early Stage

Building scalable PoCs and MVPs, managing initial user adoption, and driving key commercial levers.

Scaling Stage

Transitioning MVPs to version 1 and beyond, building scalable business operations, and supporting fundraising efforts.

Startup Value Creation

Maximising your exit without asking for equity

Traditional Model

High initial tech costs and significant equity exchange, with founders’ equity stakes declining sharply as they juggle revenue, management, and investor relations.

Daedalus’ Value Creation Model

Focusing on maximizing business value, profitability, and founders' equity stake and valuation. Initial tech and product efforts aim to generate revenue and grow through automation and intelligent engineering, retaining equity and value in the business.


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End-to-End Delivery

Fully owned & managed bespoke, discrete delivery from a self-managing squad that combines startup velocity with corporate discipline


We take the time and effort to understand your business and commercial objectives, translating them into product goals through the process.


We construct a delivery roadmap aligned to your commercial objectives, ensuring maximum value extraction as quickly as possible.


We have extensive experience in all the latest tech, ranging from lighting-fast cloud streaming to Big Data AI solutions - and everything in-between.

End-to-End Capabilities

We’ve used the most advanced technologies across
a number of domains, the below are just a sample

AI, ML, Data Engineering

From upgrading spreadsheets to a database, through petabytes of Big Data, to multithreaded streaming services - we’re able to build out an integrated data infrastructure which supports critical business functions and develops into advanced AI products.


We’ve got you covered with all the bits of technology to make your product monetisable, including designs, UX workflows, payments mechanisms, customer management and more.
We can also adapt to changing requests and can quickly turn a pivot into deployment.

Hybrid Products

Some more complex solutions require the amalgamation of advanced data techniques with deployable software infrastructure. We’re two departments in one, and can ship hybrid web apps and products using a method of combined architecture and synchronised deployment.

IP & Science Monetisation

We also have a strong background in the physical (and theoretical) sciences and have a sweet-spot for applying cutting edge tech builds to make “the science” applicable in the business world, and scale it as a commercial product - especially so within the world of finance.

Data Analytics

Owing to our hands-on approach of getting stuck into the details, we’ve developed a knack for automating business processes in a way which allows us to build an internal view of the metrics which define business performance. In particular, bringing normally disjointed information into a standardised view.

Venture Operations

We’ve also got a strong background in multinational corporate methods which we’ve fine-tuned to be most effective in the earlier stages of the business lifecycle. This includes financial modelling, creating automated operations and hiring.

Corporate Innovation

Experienced in the complexities of corporate innovation

Business Case & PoC

Creating data-driven business cases to secure budgets for impactful PoCs with pre-defined success criteria.

Revenue Generating MVP

Building scalable PoCs into MVPs, ensuring a quicker path to revenue generation.

V1 & Scaling Product

Scaling MVPs into version 1s, and setting up scalable business operations for seamless handover to ongoing teams.

Innovation Value Creation

Aligning technical development with core business objectives - quickly

Standard Corporate Model

Delayed business case development, discrete PoC and MVP projects, and late revenue generation.

Daedalus Model

Integrated commercial and technical development driving earlier revenue. Concurrent business case and PoC builds, cost savings, and scalable PoC to MVP to version 1 transitions. A single, self-managing team freeing client resources for other business areas.


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Getting Started

Our Approach

A no obligation  meeting (virtual or f2f)
We'll understand your goals, your vision, and current stage of development. Within one working day, Daedalus will provide a ballpark fee and timeline for the total solution needed, letting you make a quick decision on whether to continue with us or explore other partners.

A low cost commercial and tech arch workshop (virtual or f2f)
This workshop outlines key strategic and tactical steps to deliver your tech product and service. Outputs include a high-level commercial, technical, and engineering roadmap, strategy, and guidelines. If required, we can also include design work and a full audit of current codebases. These insights empower you to proceed either with Daedalus or another group - delivering results in days, not months.

Full proposal & Partnership
If you choose to partner with Daedalus, we will present a full proposal with timelines, fees, rationale, and a plan for effective collaboration, so you know exactly what you’re buying, how we’ll work alongside you, and what we will deliver.


Free Consultation

No Obligation

Speak to your senior team